Wednesday, January 3, 2007

the usual.

so this is my first blog post on this website. for most of you know im a girl. but there's still definatly much MUCH more to me then that. i'm not really like the other girls you may find? I can have my sporty days ( well mostly every day ) but you know what i mean, then have my girly days, vintage days. The usual. I will dress fashionable, but act like a total complete idiot and myself. You see what im getting at? i don't know. the real reason why i came looking for a blog website is so i can get everything out. you ever just have those days where you just NEED to get away and are crying for help? ANYONE need any help or advice or agree on any of my futur blogs make sure to comment okay? Because I love and adore meeting new people. And for my futur blogs to come, ill probably be whining and complaining or be super excited on new futur events. Also, keep me posted on your lives.

much love,

jessicaa ♥

1 comment:

Enoreios said...

Hi there jessicaa,

I'm glad to see that you are going to give blogging a try, and that you seem to have a vision of what you want these pages to be.

I look forward to hearing what you've got to say!